viernes, 18 de enero de 2008


Resolver la guía y estudiar

Ánimo vamos por el 10

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Use in English, Grammar guide

Use in English
First of Secondary
Grammar guide
Books: Energy Students’ Book 2 and Energy Workbook 2

1. Verb to be
There is/are
Have got

2. Simple present
Present continuous
Adverbs of frequency

3. Present continuous for future
Prepositions of time
Comparative and superlative adjectives

4. Past simple
Adverbs of manner

You must study all the vocabulary of units 1, 2 and 3.

Use in English, Grammar guide

Use in English
First of Secondary
Grammar guide
Books: Energy Students’ Book 2 and Energy Workbook 2

1. Verb to be
There is/are
Have got

2. Simple present
Present continuous
Adverbs of frequency

3. Present continuous for future
Prepositions of time
Comparative and superlative adjectives

4. Past simple
Adverbs of manner

You must study all the vocabulary of units 1, 2 and 3.

First of Secondary Science Guide


First of Secondary Science Guide
Book: Science Explorer-Human Biology and Health

1.- You must study all the vocabulary and their meanings.
Pg’s 6, 12, 20, 24, 30, 44, 55 from the book.

2.- Write the levels of organization in the human body:

3.- Draw a living cell and write down the name of its parts:

4.- Write down the function of the nucleus, the cytoplasm, and the cell Membranes.

Cell Membrane:

5.- What are the four types of tissues found in our body?

6.- What is an organ system?

7.- Write at least three organ systems:

9.- What are the five major functions of the skeletal system?

10.- What do joints allow bones to do?

11.- What are ligaments?

12.- Draw a bone split in half and write the name of its structures.

13.- What is osteoporosis?

14.- Which are the most common skeletal injuries?

15.- There are two ways to identify injuries of the skeletal system:

16.- What is one advantage that MRI has over an X-ray?

17.- What is arthritis?

18.- Write the three types of muscle tissue:

18.- Some of the muscles are voluntary and some are involuntary muscles, write one example of each.
19.- What are two ways to prepare the muscles for exercise?

20.- What does the skin protect you from? Write at three options.

21.- Some of the skin cells produce vitamin D in the presence of___ ___

22.- Draw a diagram of a piece of skin and its structures. Label each structure.

23.- A colored substance that helps to keep the skin from burning is:

24.- Why do you need food?

25.- How is energy in foods measured?

26.- There are six groups of nutrients necessary for human health:

27.- What are two types of carbohydrates? Give an example of each.

28.- In addition to providing energy, fats have other important functions. Write one.

29.- What are the main units that make up proteins?

30.- Why are vitamins and minerals needed by your body?

31.-Why is water important for our body?

32.- Into what groups are foods classified in the USDA food pyramid plans:

33.-To obtain enough calcium, what foods should people eat?

34.- What does the body use calcium for?

35.-Which foods are good sources of vitamin C?

36.-What is a primary function of vitamins B12, C and A?

Study guide Social Studies Early Civilization of..

.- Early Civilizations of Middle America.
The Mayas
The Aztec Empire: farming, culture, religion.
Aztec trade and the end of Aztec Empire

Section 2 The Incas
The Quechuas
Study pages 47, 48

Section 3 European conquest

europeans arrive in the Americas.
The success of conquistadors.
Cortes, Pizarro, Colonization.

Section 4 Independence
Independence in Mexico
The Cry of Dolores
South America Independence
San Martin

Aviso de Dirección de Inglés

Queremos informar que los exámenes de inglés que en el calendario se mostraban para esta semana, se han recorrido para la semana siguiente, que corresponde a la semana del 21, 22, 23 y 24 de Enero del 2008.

Les agradecemos su comprensión.
Atentamente Dirección de Inglés

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

English Science Guide

English Advanced students, you need to print out this guide to bring it for our next science class.

Click here to download

Study guide Social Studies United States and Canada.

Section 1 Land and Water

1.- Vocabulary
2.-Climate and Vegetation.
3.- Resources and Land Use.

Chapter 2 The United States and Canada Shaped by History.

1.- Vocabulary
2.- The Arrival of the Europeans.
3.- Growth and Conflict in the United States.
4.- The United States on the Brink of Change.

Please study both chapters and the assesment exercises.
Good luck everyone!!

lunes, 14 de enero de 2008


Tarea para el 16 de enero
Reseña de la Película Mad Max, El Guerrero de la Carretera

1. Narra en forma escrita con tus propias palabras el futuro y el ambiente que se describen en la película.
2. ¿Qué relación o similitud tiene la película con nuestro presente?
3. Elabora una lista de los personajes que aparecen en la película (no actores).
4. Copia los hechos curiosos de la película que mencionan en la página de Wikipedia.
5. Escribe un breve resumen del argumento de la película. Puedes basarte en el que aparece en Wikipedia, pero haz un resumen, no lo copies íntegro.

domingo, 13 de enero de 2008


Tarea del 14 al 19 de Enero de 2008
1,-Estudiar todo sobre el aparato respiratorio
2,-Hacer un cuadro cmparativo de los tipos de respiración.
3,-Entregar los reportes de las prácticas.
4,-Estudiar lo visto en la primera unidad.
5.-Hacer el resumen de los temas de esta semana.
6.-No olviden sus proyectos de feria empresarial.
7.- Aquellos alumnos que no han entregado su cartel de no fumar , entrégenlo por favor.
Animo todo lo que se propongan lo pueden lograr.