sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

English hw

Hi dear students,
I would like to congratulate the students that have been positive about the Science English class. I have notice that some of you were very interested in the power point presentation that we saw last Thursday. For that reason I have decided to have a special folder for special additional information about the subject. If you need or want this information, I will gladly give it to you.
Up till now we have studied in class section one and we are about to finish section two from your science book. Both sections from chapter one.
For this reason you must hand in your homework for the next science class (September Tuesday 25th.)
_ Answer the question that you will find in pg. 11-Section 1 assessment.
_ Answer the questions that you will find in pg 19-Section 2 assessment.
Please write the questions and answers in your science notebook.